Conway’s Game of Life

Some background

I recently found the implementation of Conway’s Game of Life that I wrote while working through Marijn Haverbeke’s book Eloquent JavaScript. I find it strangely calming to set it to random and then try and eliminate the whole population while Auto is checked. I decided to post it so that it would be out there, just in case.

Use it thusly

You can toggle the state of a cell by clicking it. Select from a few initial configurations by using the combo box. Step through one generation by clicking the Tick button. If Auto is checked, then generations are progressed every quarter second.


RIP Dr. Conway

Unfortunately, Dr. John Horton Conway died on 2020-04-11. Randall Munroe added a tribute to him that I came across about two weeks later. I’ve added it along with a few other starting patterns. (Sadly, the infinite patterns aren’t infinite in this implementation since the life lives on a torus.)